Seating Arrangements

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Linda Graves
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 2 Mar 2025
Dear All

Choir Rehearsal Places
Apologies for the fact that I'm sending you two emails this evening, BUT they are totally unrelated.

Since our last concert quite a few of you have expressed an interest in sitting in an arc for rehearsals. There are many advantages to this. Firstly, we can hear each other, but more importantly, we can all see and hear Huw. In our present format of seats, the back rows must feel very distant and it makes hearing Huw very difficult.

Huw has therefore asked us to consider a different seating arrangement. It will only be for rehearsals, but should help us with the balance of sound and feeling connected. 

On Tuesday, please be patient with us! Before the rehearsal, we are endeavouring to turn all the chairs, on one side of the church, 90 degrees, making them into an arc, and resitting all of you! The men will sit in the centre, with the tenors at the front. The altos will then be arranged on one side, and sops on the other. 

THIS IS A TRIAL to see if it works. To set it up, there will be quite a lot of muscle power needed [well done Ges], and at the end we would be very, very grateful if you could help put everything back to its normal place.

Thanks in advance for your patience and uderstanding. Let's hope it helps!!!