Notes from the Treasurer

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Linda Graves
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, 2 Mar 2025
Dear All - happy Sunday!  Lovely, sunny few days

Just a gentle reminder to one or two of you that your subs are now overdue. I know how easy it is to forget, so please don’t be offended if I give you a nudge and a wink on Tuesday.

I know that many of you have already completed a form re Gift Aid, which Michael Earle then makes a claim to HMRC on the choir’s behalf. For every single one of you that is happy to complete one of these simple forms, we collect 25% back from the government against your subs. That equates to £31.50 for each claim made. However, there are also quite a significant number of members who haven’t completed a form. This may be because they don’t pay tax, etc…… but, if I present you with an envelope on Tuesday, with a form inside it, please would you consider filling it in to enable us to make the most of the tax relief? Equally, you are under no pressure to complete it, and I shall not think any the less of anyone who doesn’t want to take part.
The choir is a charity….. it is our right to claim this, and without it we would be quite a significant amount of funding down. Last year we claimed £1,291 in Gift Aid, and in all honesty, there would be quite a detrimental impact on our subs without it.
As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to chat to me about it, and thank you to those of you who already support the choir in this way.

Because we have had a few new people join us recently, I thought I better explain what and why we have the draw. It started a couple of years ago, with the intention of just raising a wee bit of extra funding for the choir which builds up over the weeks. I use it to pay those little extras that are necessary from time to time and bank the rest. It makes us about £450 pounds each season and just gives a bit of daftness in the meeting.
To take part all you need to do is bring a pound, look for the list at the back of the church, select one of the options and write your name against it. The winner of the draw receives £5 taken from the proceeds. Simple!

See you Tuesday….xxx