Huw's weekly message 2 October

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Huw Morgan
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 2 Oct 2024
Dear WCS

A quick note of thanks to everyone for a great AGM and rehearsal last night! Really well done - it's great to see how engaged everyone is with the running of the choir as well as the singing of the notes!

On which note (!) last night we did great work on movement 2 (we've now covered it all), 4, 7 and started the Agnus Dei and looked at the end of the In Paradisum. Do note that movement 8 is a repeat of movement 2 from bar 29, so no need to panic about learning all that again!

Looking forward to seeing you all next week, very best wishes


(ps the honey is delicious)