Huw's weekly message 25 September

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Huw Morgan
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 25 Sep 2024
Dear WCS

Well done, what a cracking rehearsal last night! Wonderful sound everyone, and really good application too in learning the new music. Great progress!

For those not able to make it, we rehearsed:

Tavener - Funeral Ikos first three verses
Lauridsen - Sure on this shining night
Goodall - movements 1, (bb 1 - 66), 2 (bb 50 - end), 6 (bb 51 - end), 7 (complete)

Mike, the source of all knowledge and wisdom, tells me that learning aids for Goodall are on John Fletcher, so those of you with access should definitely head over there to have a listen, it will help you immensely. If you don't have access but would like to hear the learning aids, please do contact Mike or myself and we'll see what we can do.

Right! Next week is the AGM, looking forward to that, and then onwards with Goodall, I really hope we can finish off movement 2 - the ending we learnt last night was sounding ferocious!

With all best wishes